Title: Secret Santas Author: angelita26 Characters/Pairings: Neal, June, Sara, Peter Rating: PG Word Count: ~1100 Summary: Stand By Me 'Verse. It's Christmas, and the Ellington house has a rule about Secret Santa gifts: they have to be homemade.
Notes: Written for whitecollarhc Advent 2016. This fills the "minor illness or injury" H/C Bingo square. Many
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Title: The Silent Language of Grief Author: angelita26 Rating: PG-13 Characters: Gen - Neal, Peter, Elizabeth, Mozzie, Diana, Jones, June, Christie Spoilers: Up to and including about half of Judgment Day. Warning: [Click to read]Presumed Dead Canon Character. A metric ton of angst
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Wow! You all gave me such varied and interesting prompts. They were a lot of fun to research and write, and I thank each and every one of you for participating. I apologize that it took me so long to get them filled, but I was determined to get them all written.
I may be the last person on the bus for this one, but I just found out that "mozzie" is Australian slang for a mosquito. This amuses me to no end because Mozzie is kind of like a mosquito in some people's *cough*Peter's*cough* lives. Hehehe.
Title: Concoction Conundrum Author: angelita26 Rating: PG Characters: Peter/Neal, Mozzie Spoilers: Slight for events in Master Plan (S05E05). Word Count: ~1200 Summary: Peter's sick and once again turns to Mozzie for help. Things turn out much differently this time around.
Title: I Don't Want to be Anything Other than Me Author: angelita26 Characters/Pairings: Gen - Mozzie, Neal Rating: PG Word Count: ~900 Spoilers: For episode 5x02, "Out of the Frying Pan". Summary: Stand By Me 'Verse. June and Byron have offered to adopt Mozzie, but he's having a hard time deciding what to do. Enter Neal and a late night
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Title: When Neal was Fifteen Characters/Pairings: Gen - Neal, Peter, Mozzie, Sara, Diana, June, Byron Rating: PG Word Count: ~2500 Warnings: None. Summary: Stand By Me 'Verse. Neal's fifteenth birthday is spent in the hospital, but he's not alone
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